Health and Social Care Training

Understanding your Role in Care

Defining social care and why people choose it as a career and what its goals and objectives are.

40 minutes

Safeguarding Adults

This course is for anyone who has a duty of care for adults in need of care and support.

75 minutes

Person-Centred Care

How to implement a person-centred approach in an adult social care setting.

45 minutes

Dignity and Privacy

This course covers some of the issues that can arise when dignity and privacy are not respected.

50 minutes

Handling Information in a Care Setting

Understanding the need for secure handling of information in social care settings how to access support.

20 minutes

Mental Capacity Act and DoL Safeguards

This course describes in detail the many facets and procedures of the Mental Capacity Act.

75 minutes

Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines

An introduction to key terminology and support for the safe handling of medicines.

60 minutes

Dementia Awareness

An overview of the common types and symptoms of dementia as well as how it can affect the brain.

25 minutes

Infection Control

Defining infection prevention and control and explaining the impact of good and bad infection control.

60 minutes

Epilepsy Awareness

An overview of epilepsy, methods of diagnosis, what a seizure is and how the brain can be affected.

30 minutes

Mental Health Awareness

The symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for.

25 minutes

Nutrition and Hydration

The elements of nutrition and a healthy balanced diet and why vulnerable people might be dehydrated.

75 minutes

End of Life Care

Information about what to expect and how to handle the emotions associated with this time.

25 minutes

Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes

This course is a variation on the Basic Fire Awareness course that is specific to employees of care homes.

60 minutes

Fire Marshal for Care Homes

This course is a variation on the Fire Marshal course that is specific to employees of care homes.

220 minutes

Principles of Communication

Different ways of communication, identifying barriers to communication and reducing them.

75 minutes

Your Personal Development

Codes of practice and legislation, reflecting on your work to ensure continued improvement..

35 minutes

Positive Handling in Schools

Identifying the stages of aggression tips on how you could de-escalate a pupil before they lash out.

100 minutes

Safeguarding Children

Details surrounding the risk to children, how to recognise the signs of abuse and key safeguarding legislations

75 minutes

Learning Disability Awareness

An overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities and how they affect people.

50 minutes

Prevent Duty

An overview of the Government’s Prevent strategy and some of the reasons people become extremists.

65 minutes

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Health and Safety
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